Tyler, The creator - Fucking Young/Perfect
In this video, Tyler gets involved with a girl who is too young for him. At the start, he is on a skateboard with a naked woman on it. This can be seen as demeaning towards women. When he sees the girl his eyes pop out of his face as if to show that he is in love with her. This is can be seen as Tyler just falling in love with her or it can be seen as him objectifying her
In one of the next scenes, Tyler is lying next to the girl and talking to her. I believe that Tyler is being sown as compassionate and this is not degrading to women. a few scenes later, Tyler starts seeing the girl everywhere and she is shown as pretty and presentable every time he sees her. This is an example of the male gaze because Tyler sees the girl everywhere so he is experiencing the male gaze himself.
Tyler then goes to his house and the girl is there, she is in a blue dress and looks very presentable; this is an example of the male gaze because the female has to always look pretty/presentable. Later on in the video, the girl burns Tyler's house down. This can be seen as empowering to women because she is in control. I believe that parts like this are empowering to women; just like the part whee she shoots down Tyler's balloon which can be seen as him breaking her heart.
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